Undereating & Overexercising

June 30th, 2012

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images Although it’s a bad practice, anyone can engage in undereating and overexercising. Some people do so when they have stalled in their weight loss goal as they try even harder to shed another few pounds. Undereating and overexercising is also common among teenage girls in the United States who [...]

Why NOT to give your doctor an anti-vaccine liability form

June 28th, 2012

(NaturalNews) Every so often, information circulates around the alternative vaccine community recommending that parents ask their child’s pediatrician to sign a liability form. Typically, these forms list vaccine ingredients and ask the doctor to assume liability for any adverse events that the vaccines the doctor administers may cause. The theory seems to be that this [...]

How Can Fat Change Your Body Activities frequently?

June 27th, 2012

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images Fat isn’t just a little jiggle on your body. Some fat on your body is healthy, since it stores energy that your body can use later on. Excess weight, on the other hand, can affect you negatively in a variety of ways. Not only does it make you feel less [...]

Does Botox for your bladder actually work?

June 27th, 2012

(NaturalNews) The latest, cutting edge treatment for overactive bladder is to kill it with botulinum toxin. Actually it is not so new, but the rage for using it for overactive bladder is growing. So if your bladder is acting up more than pleases you, then get even with it by poisoning your bladder with deadly [...]

Easy guide to create a home security safe room for emergency preparedness and survival

June 26th, 2012

(NaturalNews) The Red Cross and other disaster relief agencies advise having supplies and disaster plans in place for survival during hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other unexpected emergencies. Creating a home security safe room can save your life, sustaining you for days afterwards. It can be overwhelming setting up a home security safe room, and many [...]

Former Marketing Director of ALIVE New York blows whistle on bizarre web of deception behind failed event

June 26th, 2012

(NaturalNews) The story of deception behind the ALIVE New York event is becoming more bizarre by the day. We continue to cover it not because of the simple fact that the event has imploded, but more because it has become a fascinating case study in mass deception and social engineering. The question remains: How did [...]

June 24th, 2012

(NaturalNews) Hadley Barrows was recently kicked out of the Minneapolis Central Public Library for discreetly breastfeeding her baby on a bench in an atrium area of the library. Minnesota law allows mothers to nurse their babies in public and private areas. But the security guard told Hadley she was exhibiting indecent exposure and should go [...]

Health Benefits of Applesauce In comparison with Raw Apples

June 24th, 2012

Photo Credit Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images Despite having the same primary ingredient, applesauce and raw apples are not exactly the same. On the surface, the appearances of the two foods are quite different, but the variance doesn’t end there, as the nutritional profile of applesauce and raw apples are distinct as well. Depending on your dietary [...]

Raw Carrots for a Hyperactive Bladder

June 20th, 2012

Photo Credit Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images A hyperactive bladder, more often called overactive bladder syndrome, refers to increased frequency of urination. Most people urinate between two and five times each day, depending on dietary factors, but a hyperactive or overactive bladder can cause sudden urges to void urine much more frequently, as often as every half-hour [...]

Food to assist Spherocytosis

June 19th, 2012

Photo Credit Chad Baker/Photodisc/Getty Images Red blood cells are disc shaped and modify form to move through blood vessels in your body. If you suffer from spherocytosis, your red blood cells are round and don’t change shape. They cannot move through your body as easily and stay in the spleen, where they originate, for a [...]